Friday, August 12, 2016

REPORT: Cami 2016 (2016 כאמ"י)

Website: English Site | אתר בעברית
Date: August 25th
Location: Binyanei Hauma, International Convention Center, Jerusalem
Convention type: Anime
Hours: 10 AM - 9 PM
Entrance fee: See below
Registration required for events: No
Pre-registration required for events: No

Summer is here! And that means it's time for the annual anime convention known as CAMI! Taking place once again at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, it's a must-go for all you anime fans out there!

Guest: Aimee Blackschleger
There will be a special event in the אשקול תכנים 1* with Aimee at 5PM, requiring a special pass and limited to 35 people. Until 12 PM, the (free) passes will be reserved for bearers of a Plus ticket. Afterwards, bearers of regular tickets can pick one up if there are any left.

*No clue what that means ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tickets can be preordered here. A regular tickets allows entrance into the convention and free access to all of the events. A plus ticket does the same, as well as guaranteed access to certain events.

A receipt of purchase (sent to email) must be shown before receiving a ticket; AMAI members must bring a valid membership card. Soldiers in uniform who also have a Israel Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy membership card can receive a discount as well. Tickets will not be sent through the post office.

Regular ticket: 55 NIS
Regular ticket (with AMAI membership): 50 NIS
Plus ticket: 60 NIS
Plus ticket (with AMAI membership): 55 NIS

Two-way travel ticket (from Haifa): 60 NIS
Two-way travel ticket (from Ashdod): 40 NIS
Two-way travel ticket (from Tel Aviv): 50 NIS
Two-way travel ticket (from Be'er Sheva): 65 NIS


Haifa: 7:30 AM from the Lev HaMifratz bus station
Ashdod: 8:15 AM opposite the Central Bus Station (at Sderot Herzl)
Tel Aviv: 8:15 AM from the Central Train stop (Arlozorov/Savidor)
Be'er Sheva: 8 AM from the Central Bus Station

-Signups for transportation are available until the 21st (spots are limited)
-A ticket to the convention must be purchased along with the travel ticket.
-One way tickets aren't available.
-Should the number of passengers not be enough, the bus will be canceled, and the tickets refunded.
-The buses will not wait for latecomers
-The transportation has been organized so that all the buses will arrive at the convention around 10 AM. At 7 PM, the buses to each respective city will arrive, and will leave at 7:30 PM
-Both ticket vouchers received through email should be brought along as a means of proof of purchase (or the codes that come with them). Those who do not bring either will not be allowed to board.

NOTE: There is a chance that all buses will be canceled and tickets refunded, as a low amount of travel tickets have been currently purchased (it will be decided on the 21st).

For further questions, email

UPDATE: Enough bus tickets to Tel Aviv have been sold. As of now, transportation from Haifa, Ashdod, and Be'er Sheva may be replaced with a minibus if their respective quotas aren't reached; spots will be reserved for those who purchased first. Anyone who has purchased a ticket to and from these places later, will be notified that their ticket has been canceled, and their money will be refunded.

Preorders of entrance tickets will continue until Tuesday.

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some other interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!

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